Park rules
A full list of park rules is detailed in
Dakota County Ordinance 107 – Park Use. It is the permit holder's responsibility to inform group members of park rules.
Emergencies and severe weather
For emergencies or to contact Park Patrol, dial 911. For non-emergencies, issues with the facility (power outages, etc.) and all other inquiries, first call the Lebanon Hills Visitor Center at 651-554-6530. If after hours, please call the Parks 24-Hour Facility Assistance Line at 651-438-4388.
Ceremony sites are not designated storm shelter areas. Please be informed about severe weather and take steps to maintain personal safety.
Please contact the Dakota County Parks office at 952-891-7000 or for information on ceremony site accessibility.
Food and alcohol
Food and alcohol beverages are not permitted.
Social gatherings and receptions before or after are not permitted without a reservation. To reserve a space for a reception or social gathering, go to Dakota County Rental Spaces.
Please return the ceremony site to pre-use condition. Return all picnic tables to their pre-use location, remove temporary signs and decorations, pick up any trash and bring to waste receptacle. Use the
Ceremony Self-Checkout Form as a guide to all cleanup responsibilities.
All decorations must be freestanding and not attached to any park feature (tree, plant, posts, etc.). Fake or real flower petals are permitted but must be picked up immediately after ceremony.
Balloons are permitted and all fragments must be picked up prior to departing. Balloon releases are not allowed.
Hike-in ceremony sites are encouraged to bring minimal decorations.
Tables and chairs
Chairs and tables are not included with the reservation site. Chairs and tables must be supplied by the group and needs to be removed within the rental period.
Hike-in sites are strongly encouraged to be standing room only. Groups are responsible for hiking-in all equipment. No motorized vehicles are allowed on trails.
Signs & banners
Temporary signs or banners — directional, decorative or informational — must be free-standing and not affixed in any way to any park feature (bench, tree, post, etc.). All signs and banners must be removed by the end of the rental period.
Portable structures
Because of underground utilities, the use of tarps, tents, canopies and inflatables are not permitted.
Fires are permitted in designated rings only. Portable fire rings or other portable devices are not permitted. Fire must always be attended and fully extinguished before leaving the area. See firewood restrictions. Firewood is not included in rental.
Tiki torches, portable fire pits, floating lanterns, fireworks or sparklers are not permitted.
Parking is free. Overnight and bus parking is not allowed. Park visitor vehicles must leave by 10 p.m. Motorized vehicles are only allowed in designated parking areas.
Amplified music or public address systems must be approved by park staff and included as part of a Special Use Permit. Volume must be kept at a level to serve the group, but not disrupt other park visitors.
Pets must always be on a leash and may not be tethered to any tree, plant, sign or any park structure. Pet waste must be removed.
Dakota County Parks are smoke free. Tobacco use is allowed for parking lots and roadways only. Traditional tobacco use for spiritual or cultural ceremonies is permitted in parks.