​Raingardens help to collect runoff, filter out pollutants, and provide opportunities to add native plants (which is great for many insects, including pollinators).
Dedicated volunteers ensure the many raingardens in Dakota County Parks are well-maintained. They aren't afraid to get their hands dirty and put in hard work.
Duties & responsibilities
- Attend the Raingarden Stewards Training.
- Spend at least two hours every two weeks weeding and planting your adopted raingarden.
- Communicate with staff about questions and requests for tools/materials.
- Must be comfortable with working in an outside environment.
- Able to learn new plants (native and invasive) quickly.
- Able to learn new skills quickly.
- Excited to work hard.
Required training
One brief training, in which volunteer stewards review the Raingarden Stewards Manual with Dakota County staff. Staff also meet stewards on-site at their adopted raingarden to discuss unique characteristics and tasks.
Time commitment
- May-October
- Monthly, biweekly, or weekly maintenance, depending on the season.
Sign up/questions
Go to the Volunteer website.