There's no need to rent movies or TV shows when you can check them out from Dakota County Library.
Search the Catalog to find a video for you.
Hoopla Digital
Hoopla allows you to watch streaming videos or listen to streaming audio on your computer, or you can download to your mobile device to enjoy later. The collection includes videos, audio and e-books, music CDs and comic books. Items are always available for checkout without waitlists. Go to to get started.
When you sign up for a new account, it will prompt you to enter your Library information.
Hoopla is limited to Dakota County Library card holders.
Blu-Rays available
Library users can borrow Blu-Ray Discs. The collection consists of the American Film Institute’s (AFI) 100 all-time top movies, the Criterion collection, blockbuster movies, Disney movies and popular movies enhanced by the Blu-Ray format.
Titles can be placed on hold and requested to be picked up at any Dakota County Library location. Search the Catalog.