Unmanned aerial vehicles or drones can only be used in designated areas. A special use permit is required. Fees may apply and will be assessed as part of permit application review.
- Commercial stock photography (advertisement/product): $200 + tax
- Commercial video (advertisement/product): $400 + tax
- Other commercial photography and videography (large commercial projects): $500 or as determined by the county board
Proof of $1 million in liability insurance naming Dakota County as additionally insured required for all permits.
Obtaining a permit
Apply for a Drone Permit. Allow a minimum of two weeks for review.
Drone operation rules
- Drone operators and their subjects must follow all park rules as listed in
Dakota County Ordinance 107 Park Use and honor all posted signage. - Drone operation in the approved designated area of the flight plan only.
- Trails and park areas may be closed due to construction, special events, natural resource restoration, etc. Drone flight path must not interfere with park programming or activities.
- You may not intentionally remove, alter, injure or destroy any tree, plant or other vegetation or disturb the soil or other natural resource.
- You must yield the right-of-way and not disturb other park and trail users if flight path location is on or near a trail or other park use area.
- Parking is allowed in designated parking areas only.