Metal detecting means using an electronic device for detecting the presence of metal objects, typically located shallowly underground. Metal detecting is permitted within Dakota County Parks at designated swimming beaches only. A permit is required.
Obtaining a permit
Apply for an annual permits at no cost. Permits are valid for one year from date of issuance.
Metal detecting rules
- A metal detecting permit is required. Permit holders must follow all park rules as listed in
Dakota County Ordinance 107 Park Use and honor all posted signage. - Metal detecting is permitted in the sand of designated swimming beach areas only and is not allowed in all other park and greenway areas.
- The permit holder must keep a minimum distance of 20 feet from any park user or wildlife. Detecting should cease or move to other areas of the beach when other park users begin congregating.
- Beach areas may be closed due to construction, special events, maintenance, etc. Metal detecting must not interfere with a park programming, activities or beach use.
- Digging is permitted. Hole depths are limited to 6 inches and must be immediately refilled by the permit holder. All uncovered trash must be disposed of properly.
- Only probes and small diggers less than 12 inches long and 2 inches wide may be used. No sharp objects may be used.
- Permit holder must carry valid permit while metal detecting. Permit is valid for one year.
- Rule violations may result in permit revocation, county ordinance citation or both.
Designated swimming beaches