​Publications may be distributed by departments of the Dakota County without regard to content, providing the following specifications are met:
1. Publication must be a regularly published magazine or newspaper that is offered to the public at no charge.
2. A sample issue of the publication must be submitted to the Manager of each community library.
3. The copy in the publication must be reproduced in a clear, legible manner.
4. It is the responsibility of the publisher to supply the publications on a regular basis. The quantity supplied will be limited to the capacity of the rack. Publications must be placed neatly in the rack.
5. Dakota County Library reserves the right to determine which publications will be distributed.
6. Failure to adhere to the written provisions may result in the immediate removal of the offending publications.
Distribution of Display Materials
The Dakota County Library, as a community service, provides bulletin boards and wall space for posting of information of importance and interest to the community. Materials may not be posted without prior approval from library management. Dakota County Library reserves the right to decline any publicity material at its discretion.