Dakota County Library is committed to providing equitable access to library services and resources in a safe, welcoming environment for customers, staff and volunteers. The library has adopted the Public Conduct Policy to promote positive experiences and access for all and uphold our mission to cultivate community, creativity and learning.
While visiting library buildings, and on library grounds, customers will:
- Act respectfully toward other customers and library staff.
- Refrain from abusive, harassing or threatening language and behavior.
- Respect library spaces and property.
- Eat only in designated areas of the library; only covered beverages are allowed in library spaces.
- Use library furniture, equipment and materials for their intended purpose.
- Bring only service animals into the library.
- Actively supervise children and vulnerable adults in their care:
- Children under the age of 8 must be supervised by a responsible caregiver, defined as an individual age 11 or older. Ultimate responsibility for the behavior and well-being of children using the library rests with the parent/guardian or designated caregiver, and not with the library's personnel.
- Comply with applicable state, federal and local laws.
Library staff, in order to maintain a safe environment for all, will work with customers to help them understand what behaviors are expected and address behaviors that violate this policy. Following are examples, including but not limited to:
Behaviors which pose a risk to public safety or health.
- Threatening, abusive, or harassing language or actions toward customers or staff.
- Possessing or using alcohol, intoxicants or illegal drugs.
- Smoking or using tobacco products, including vaping.
- Attire that poses a health or safety concern, such as not wearing a shirt or shoes.
Behaviors which interfere with free and safe use of the library.
- Disruptive conversations, shouting, or swearing.
- Soliciting, petitioning, or selling goods or services.
- Bringing animals, other than service animals, into the library.
Behaviors which damage library materials, equipment and spaces, or are dangerous.
- Defacing or destroying library property.
- Using furniture and equipment to create a physical hazard.
- Running, skateboarding or similar activities in the library or on library grounds.
The violation of a federal, state, or local criminal statute will also be regarded as a violation of this policy. Persons in violation of this policy may receive a warning, a request to leave the premises, and/or notification of the police. For serious violations, individuals may have their privileges to use Dakota County Library facilities and grounds revoked. Repeat offenders or persons ordered from the premises who do not comply, may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
No Trespass Notice
If a person is issued a “No Trespass Notice" by a local police department, in any of the Dakota County libraries, the situation will be reviewed by the Library Director for possible action to revoke the person's systemwide library privileges. If the Library Director determines that countywide suspension of the person's borrowing privileges and access to Dakota County Library locations is warranted, the Library Director will notify the person in writing. Impacted individuals may appeal their suspension to the Library Advisory Committee.