The Dakota County Seed Library is maintained through a partnership between the Dakota County Library, Dakota County Library Foundation and the University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardeners. It is located at the Farmington Library.
The goals of the library are to:
- Remove barriers to access for families interested in growing healthy food by providing this free resource
- Offer native plants to encourage sustainable landscaping practices
- Preserve the variety of local heirloom plants available by creating the opportunity to share these rare seeds
- Offer classes taught by Master Gardeners and other volunteers to educate the community on how to grow healthy food, save seeds, preserve food, etc.
- Encourage community involvement by asking Seed Library users to save seeds and return them for future growing seasons
View a list of seeds you can find at the library, available while supplies last.
Checkout process
- Select your seeds.
- Fill out a checkout sheet.
- Drop the checkout sheet in the lockbox located near the seed cabinet.
- Choose up to five packets per person to help us spread this resource throughout the community.
- Any Dakota County resident may use the Seed Library – no library card required.
Each seed packet includes directions for planting and growing that are seed specific.
Connect with a University of Minnesota Extension Master Gardener if you have questions or run into challenges with planting your seeds.
- If you have extra seeds, share them with friends and neighbors.
- Share them with the community by bringing the seed packet back to the library and placing it into the “share" drawer. Label your seed packet with as much identifying information as possible.
The seed library is coordinated by volunteer Master Gardeners and involves other community volunteers to help with the packaging and labeling of donated seeds. Master Gardeners also offer regular informational programming at the library on topics related to gardening and seed saving. Visit the Dakota County Volunteer website to apply.