Self-Service Hours offer library users extended access to Dakota County Library services during regularly closed hours or days. Self-Service Hours allow locations to expand hours to 6 a.m.–11 p.m., seven days a week, including holidays.
Individuals 18 years and older can sign up to use all library locations without staff present. Use computers and Wi-Fi, reserve a meeting room and host a meeting, check out books and other materials, and more.
Security cameras have been installed throughout the library for peace of mind, and a speaker system will announce when the library is closed. Registered customers are responsible for the guests they bring in. Access cards cannot be loaned to others. All library policies remain in effect.
Self-Service hours are available at all Dakota County Library location.
How to register
Step 1: Watch a training video.
Step 2: Register for Self-Service Hours and agree to the waiver.
Register for Self-Service Hours
Step 3: Wait for notification that your card is ready for pick up
Step 4: Pick up your access card.
Tell us your Self-Service Hours stories
We would love to learn how you use Self-Service Hours.
Tell us your story!