Recycling & waste reduction
What Goes Where Guide
Home recycling information that includes how to get rid of large items, organics and hazardous waste.
Recycling at Home Cling (
Lists what can be recycled in Dakota County. Can be stuck and re-stuck to any surface.
Hold the Mail
Simple steps to reduce unwanted mail. Created by Hennepin County.
Fix-It Clinic Flyer (
A list of the upcoming Fix-It Clinics to get items fixed for free.
Household Hazardous Waste & Toxicity Reduction
The Recycling Zone
Describes what items are accepted at The Recycling Zone.
Green Cleaning Recipes
Learn how to make your own cleaners. Created by Hennepin County.
Burning Garbage is Illegal
Describes why burning trash is bad and what to do instead.
Wasted Food Prevention
Food Smarts: Kitchen Inventory
A worksheet to track what foods you have in the freezer, fridge, and pantry.
Food Smarts: Track What You Toss
A worksheet to understand what food you throw away and why.
Food Smarts: Food Storage Guide
A folded handout that shows how to store fruits and vegetables to last longer.
Food Smarts: Meal Planner
A worksheet to practice weekly meal planning.
Composting at Home
How to Compost
Describes how to set up home backyard composting. Created by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Diagnosing Backyard Composting Problems
Information about troubleshooting common backyard composting problems. Created by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Compost Your Food Scraps Indoors
How to use worms to compost indoors with minimal space and no odor.
How to Grow a No-Waste Lawn and Garden
How to grow a healthy garden with minimal waste and pesticides. Created by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Organics Drop-Off
Organics Drop-Off Program
How to join and use the Organics Drop-off Program.
Organics Collection Cling
Lists what can be collected in the Dakota County Organics Drop-off Program. Can be stuck and re-stuck to any surface.
Organics Drop-Off Locations
A list of all Dakota County organics sites. Includes tips for collection.