Shoreland land use permits
County Ordinance 50 – Shoreland and Floodplain Management requires permits for any construction, grading, filling, or removal of vegetation on land near public waters of the state and the landward extent of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) designated floodplain.
Please call 952-891-7024 for floodplain determinations, data interpretation and assistance with completing elevation certificates, Letters of Map Amendments and the County Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps (DFIRMs).
New Construction (Building and Septic System) Application
Septic System Permit Application
Alteration Application
Shoreline Permit Fee Schedule
Public drainage permits
A Public Drainage Systems Permit is required for connecting, placing utilities or dewatering to a public drainage system (county ditch) owned or operated by the County Drainage Authority. Dakota County requires any individual or company needing to excavate, grade, dewater or remove vegetation, trees or fill to obtain a permit. A permit must be approved before the work starts.
Public Drainage Systems Permit Application
Public Drainage Systems Map
Building permits
All cities and townships in Dakota County have land use and zoning authority. Building permits are issued by the city or township. Additional county permits are required in townships within designated shoreland and floodplain.
City building permits
For property within an incorporated city limit, call the
city in which the property is located.
Township building permits
For property in a township, call the
township in which the property is located. In addition, call the Dakota County Water Resources Department at
952-891-7000 to determine if the property is within the jurisdictional authority of the County Shoreland Zoning and Floodplain Management Ordinance. If so, county permits could be required.