Dakota County plays an important role in road safety. By being smart about traffic controls and road access as well as keeping roads clear during the winter months, the county is actively trying to reduce the amount of vehicle accidents on county roads.
In all, the county maintains:
- 424 miles of road
- 83 bridges
- 250 traffic signals
- More than 25,000 signs
As the county continues to grow, so does the need to maintain and expand transportation services. Dakota County is expected to add more than 120,000 residents over the next 20 years. This means more vehicles on the road and a greater need for an efficient and effective Transportation Department.
The following strategies support the transportation safety and standards principle:
Roadside Clear Zones
Establish roadside clear zones in accordance with AASHTO and MnDOT criteria for maintenance and design.
Monitor Traffic Data
Regularly monitor traffic data and conduct engineering evaluations including analyzing annual collision date to identify high crash locations and conducting detailed safety studies for select locations with high crash rates.
Speed Studies
Provide input to MnDOT for speed studies to post speed limits as provided by Minnesota law.
Project Analysis and Selection
Consider roadway segment crash rates as part of the process for project analysis and selection.
Towards Zero Deaths
Partner with MnDOT, the Department of Public Safety and other agencies to promote elements of Minnesota’s Toward Zero Deaths program where practical.
Law Enforcement Collaboration
Work closely with law enforcement personnel to evaluate and address issues beyond implementing highway changes and alert them to driver behavior issues that may be attributing to safety issues on the system.
Safety or Operational Issues
Implement changes, when appropriate, to an intersection or highway segment to address specific safety or operational issues.
Traffic Control
Enact traffic control based on specified criteria.
Access Management Measures For Safety
Apply proactive access management measures to minimize points of conflict.