Dakota County and the cities of Inver Grove Heights and Eagan will expand County Road 26 (Lone Oak Road/70th Street W.) from a two-lane roadway to a four-lane divided roadway from Highway 55 (Courthouse Boulevard) in Eagan to Highway 3 (South Robert Trail) in Inver Grove Heights.
The project will also reconstruct County Road 63 (Argenta Trail) as a two-lane divided roadway on a new alignment from Amana Trail to the newly constructed 65th Street in Inver Grove Heights. A roundabout will also be built at the intersection of Lone Oak Road/70th Street W. and Argenta Trail as well as additional turn lanes, drainage improvements, curb and gutter, multi-use trails, and an underpass serving the Mendota-Lebanon Greenway system.
Project timeline
August 2021–June 2024
Get email updates
To receive email updates for this project, email Stacy Reilly at stacy.reilly@co.dakota.mn.us. Please include “CP 26-54 Update" in the subject line.
Travel impacts
The contractor continues to work to get the project completed. Work includes on and off the road, temporary lane closures will be needed. Please use caution when driving in the area.
May 23-31
- Concrete repairs, curb and gutter and sidewalks
- Seeding areas disturbed by construction
On Friday, May 24, the contractor will temporarily close the north side of the Argenta Trail roundabout for milling and patching work. If this work delayed by weather, it will be rescheduled for Tuesday, May 28.
County Road 26 Newsletter (Aug. 3, 2021)