Dakota County Parks proposes to construct a new trailhead facility at 13580 Fischer Ave. in Spring Lake Park Reserve. The trailhead will include a picnic shelter, parking lot, upgrades to Fischer Avenue, and new paved trail loop around the bison enclosure. The new paved trail will connect to the Mississippi River Greenway at Fischer Avenue and near the new trailhead facility.
In accordance with Section 6009 of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) Public Law 109-59, enacted Aug. 10, 2005, Dakota County Parks is soliciting comments on the effects this project would have on Spring Lake Park Reserve. The project will impact about nine acres of land on Spring Lake Park Reserve. The project will not impact existing park functions or facilities. Enhancement measures include restoring disturbed areas with native vegetation, providing water quality treatment for runoff from the proposed parking lot, improving connections to the Mississippi River Greenway, and providing opportunities for viewing bison activity.
It is anticipated that Dakota County Parks will request the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to determine that the proposed action at Spring Lake Park Reserve is a Section 4(f) de minimis action in accordance with Section 6009(a) of SAFETEA-LU. A de minimis finding may be made when uses of Section 4(f) land will have no adverse effect on the protected resources.
Information on this impact and avoidance, minimization, mitigation or enhancement measures is available on the following document or at the following locations:
Fischer Avenue Trailhead De Minimis Determination
Dakota County Facilities Management
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Pleasant Hill Library
1490 South Frontage Road
Hastings, MN 55033
Comments must be submitted on or before Oct. 10, 2024 to Yao Xiao, Project Manager, at the Dakota County Facilities Management office address presented above or by email at yao.xiao@co.dakota.mn.us. Comments will become part of the official record and will be considered when making future project-related decisions.