The Community Services Committee of the Whole meets monthly on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. The meetings are held at the Administration Center, Conference Room 3A. To make any comments, please email
Go to Community Services Committee agendas, minutes and materials
If you are looking for board or committee documents prior to Oct. 19, 2021, please email your request to County Administration at
Agendas posted Friday before each meeting
The agenda for the next meeting will be available here on the Friday preceding the meeting.
Email updates
If you are interested in receiving the committee agendas, please see our
E-News service and subscribe to "Community Services Committee of the Whole meeting agendas and minutes."
Community Services Committee overview
The Community Services Committee of the Whole reviews matters of business from the Community Services Division. This committee considers policy decisions concerning the delivery of human services, in coordination with state and federally funded programs, and wise use of resources to provide the maximum service to residents.
Some of the program areas addressed by this committee are: community corrections, employment and economic assistance, public health, social services, and veterans services.