Though every effort is made to keep juveniles in their homes and communities, sometimes juvenile offenders must be placed in secured detention. In most cases, this is for a short period of time.
Treatment at the Juvenile Services Center works with the juvenile offender to make positive changes in their life. Individual case plans are developed to address the core issues of the juvenile offender’s behaviors. The center offers opportunities to participate in:
- School
- Chemical dependency programming
- Cultural and gender specific programming
- GED preparation and testing
- Faith-based services
Residential treatment keeps the community safe by keeping potentially violent offenders out of the community.
For any questions about juvenile residential services, contact Dakota County Community Corrections at 651-438-8399.
Prison Rape Elimination
The Dakota County Juvenile Services Center adheres to standards of the federal Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). This is so residents and others in the facility feel safe from all forms of sexual misconduct, including sexual assault, sexual abuse and sexual harassment. Find out more about PREA.
Food Services: Sets food service standards as determined by the Minnesota Department of Corrections.
Wellness: Sets standards for health and wellness as required by the Minnesota Department of Education Standards.