Dakota County requires permits for oversize and/or weight vehicles, special events, or for work on and around county highway right of way.
For excavation permits
Excavators (including homeowners), throughout Minnesota are responsible for notifying Gopher State One Call of their proposed excavations. The call center will notify participating underground facility operators, so they can mark the location of their facilities. If you are a contractor working for a homeowner, it is your responsibility to read the
Gopher State One Call Handbook. You can notify Gopher State One Call at their website or by calling 651-454-0002.
Before applying for a permit, please click on the following links for required information when filling out an application:
2018 Flagging Handbook
2018 Field Manual
For construction permits
All permits that require construction, such as Utility Permits, Landscaping & Driveway Maintenance Permits, and the General Work Permit for Right of Way must follow the county's
Construction Specifications.