County Project 4-17
After a feasibility study and community feedback, it was determined that a new trail will be constructed on Butler Avenue (County Road 4) in West St. Paul. The trail will be on the south side of Butler Avenue from Robert Street to Sperl Street and on the north side of Butler Avenue from Sperl Street to Highway 52. The new trail will have current and future needs in mind. It will improve both safety and accessibility.
The City of West St. Paul is leading design work to select a final design for construction. The city and Dakota County seek community feedback on final design concepts.
In addition to constructing the trail, the project will also repave Butler Avenue and make pedestrian safety improvements at the Sperl Street/Stassen Lane intersection. Design work for the project is expected to end in 2024. Construction is expected in 2025.
Project background
Dakota County's 2018 Pedestrian and Bikeway Study recognized the Butler Avenue trail gap as a priority. Changes to these incomplete trails aim to increase safety, provide access for different types of travel, and support active living. This segment of Butler Avenue is also identified as a future trail on West St. Paul's Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan.
A trail feasibility study was conducted in 2021-2022 by the cities of West St. Paul and South St. Paul and Dakota County. This study assessed potential improvements along Butler Avenue (County Road 4) between Robert Street (Highway 3) and Concord Street. The study reviewed existing conditions along Butler Avenue and discussed potential trade-offs with other uses. This includes parking, boulevard space and utilities.
The community gave feedback to begin developing concepts for further review. Residents provided input at a July 2021 open house and on the project website through an interactive survey and comment map.
Open House – April 25, 2023
Tuesday, April 25, 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Thompson Park, Dakota Lodge Meeting Room
1200 Stassen Lane, West St. Paul
Open House Display Boards
Butler Avenue Trail - Robert Street to Kruse Street
Butler Avenue Trail - Kruse Street to Sperl Street
Butler Avenue Trail - Sperl Street to Highway 52
Provide input
Sign up for project emails and give feedback
Ross Beckwith, West St. Paul
Joe Morneau, Dakota County