The Dakota County Pedestrian and Bicycle Study presents a unified vision for countywide walking and bicycling networks. The study identifies strategies and policies to encourage active living and improve community health.
The study:
- Affirms the importance of investing in walking and biking in Dakota County
- Identifies the County’s specific challenges that create barriers to walking and biking, like incomplete pedestrian and bicycle networks and inconsistent winter maintenance practices across city boundaries
- Recommends a focus on designing facilities for people of all ages and abilities
- Recommends a focus on safety at crossings of County highways
- Prioritizes gaps in the pedestrian and bicycle system
Study materials
Pedestrian & Bicycle Study
Appendix A - Community Engagement Summary
Appendix B - Resources
Appendix C - Detailed Maps
Appendix D - High Priority Gaps
Summary Comments on June 2018 Draft Study and December 2018 Study Response
Supported by the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership, Minnesota Department of Health and the Dakota County Public Health Department.