Landowners interested in working with the county to protect and improve their property are required to complete a
Pre-Application Form to be considered for the land conservation program. Applications are accepted year-round. The county reviews the applications on a yearly basis.
County staff determines initial eligibility of projects. Staff contacts applicants once a determination is made. If a project is eligible, a meeting is scheduled to discuss the project, describe the prioritization criteria, and conduct a preliminary property assessment. For more detail regarding the application process, natural area protection eligibility and scoring criteria, and to view a sample easement deed and natural resource management agreement, please see the
Program Guidelines.
After all preliminary information is recorded, eligible project applicants who have met with County staff, are required to complete a more detailed
Final Application Form to be considered for recommendation to the county board. See the Step-by-Step Process for submitting an application.
If you would like a Microsoft Word version of the pre-application or final application forms, please contact Lisa West at 952-891-7018 or Please provide your email address.