Lands with an an easement are still private land. The landowner handles management and maintenance.
However, the county has now invested public funds to protect the property. The county can provide public funds to help with management and maintenance.
Natural Resources Management Plans
For all natural area easements, a Natural Resource Management Plan (NRMP) is developed. Both the county and landowner approve the plan. The NRMP includes:
- An ecological assessment of the easement
- Recommended plant communities and restoration targets
- Prioritized activities
The easement area must be managed according to the plan.
Landowners with conservation easements are eligible for county assistance to restore and enhance their easement areas. Landowners work with the county to develop a Natural Resource Management Agreement (MA). This outlines proposed management, restoration and maintenance activities, estimated costs, and roles/responsibilities.
Landowners can propose cash or in-kind match contributions toward restoration.
The following ratios will be used to help landowners with restoration:
- Shoreland areas: County/state funds provide up to 90 percent. Landowners provide at least 10 percent.
- Upland areas: County/state funds provide up to 75 percent. Landowners provide at least 25 percent.
Annual site inspection
An site inspection is completed every year on the county's behalf.