Before submitting a request below, consider looking for available information on DCGIS.
Instructions for using DCGIS
- Go to the Dakota County Interactive GIS map and click Agree.
- Find the parcel/address using the search tool or by manually zooming in.
- Click Map Layers at the top of the screen, expand the Environment layer group, and then check the box next to Wells (near the bottom). The wells will not appear until you are zoomed in to the neighborhood scale.
- Wells will show up as dots on the map. To find out information about a well, click on the dot. Information about the well will display on the left side of the screen. If there is a well record, it will appear at the bottom of the displayed information. There might not be a record available.
- If there is no link or little to no information displayed when you click on the dot, this means the well exists but neither the State of Minnesota nor Dakota County has the well record.
- If there is no dot, that does not mean that there is not a well on the property. Some wells may predate recordkeeping. If you believe a well exists on the property but do not see a well dot, please submit a Well Information Request.
Look for a well identification number printed on a metal tag attached to the well (There may not be one.). The identification number will help locate information about the well.
Well Information Request Form