The Public Art Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the county board on pieces of art to be placed in county public buildings using criteria and a process approved by the county board.
11 members
1 resident/district
2 at-large
2 at-large youth
Limited to three consecutive terms.
Districts 4 & 5; 1 at-large
Advisory Application Form
Monthly, second Tuesday, 5:30 p.m.
Meeting schedule, agenda and minutes
Western Service Center, Apple Valley
Northern Service Center, West St. Paul
Term Length
2 years
Per Diem
$50 for attendance at regular and special meetings
Staff Contact
Sarah Kidwell, 651-438-4372
Membership Roster
Name |
Representing |
Term Expires |
| District 1 | 12/31/2025
Michael Todaro
| District 2 | 12/31/2025
Helen Leslie
| District 3 | 12/31/2024
| District 4 | 12/31/2024
| District 5 | 12/31/2024
Robert Erickson
| District 6 | 12/31/2025
JuliAnne Jonker | District 7 | 12/31/2024
Allen Tsai
| At Large | 12/31/2025
| At Large | 12/31/2025
Annika Phomsamouth
| At Large Youth | 12/31/2024
Savanna Jensen
| At Large Youth | 12/31/2024
Stay in touch with the Public Art Citizen Advisory Committee.