New funding available for worksites in 2024-2025
Partner with Dakota County Public Health, the Statewide Health Improvement Partnership (SHIP) and HealthSource Solutions to address worksite wellness. Support your employees' mental and physical health.
We are now accepting applications for up to 16 worksites to join a worksite wellness initiative. Sites must be in Dakota County and have 25–500 employees.
Apply for Worksite Wellness
Since 2011, 85 employers at about 120 worksite locations have strengthened their wellness programs through Dakota County’s SHIP Worksite Wellness.
Benefits and details of becoming a worksite partner
If selected as a worksite partners, we'll guide you in wellness initiatives. We'll help develop and implement policy, systems and environmental changes.
Throughout the initiative, Dakota County and HealthSource Solutions provide technical assistance to workplaces. We advise on best practices in workplace wellness.
We will also work together to create foundational elements of wellness planning. This includes vision, leadership engagement, forming a wellness committee and creating a work plan.
Worksites may choose from several different strategy areas to work on as well, including:
- Lactation support
- Mental well-being
- Help quitting tobacco
- Healthy eating
- Physical activity
Contracted participating worksites will receive:
- Assessment tools, support in establishing a wellness committee, customized goals and metrics.
- Free personalized technical assistance from a worksite wellness consultant.
- Networking opportunities.
- A $2,000 stipend for participating and making policy, system and environmental changes.
- One conference registration to the Midwest Health Promotion Conference in the fall 2025.
Ideal characteristics for a participating worksite:
- Currently have no wellness program in place or would like to enhance current program.
- Employ between 25–500 employees.
- Employ staff who are at higher risk for health disparities (older adults, low income or diverse workforce).
- Can commit 1-3 hours monthly for primary contact.
- Currently looking to enhance workplace policy and environment.
- Have an interest in creating a sustainable wellness program.
Applications will be accepted until all 16 spots are filled. Application are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. We encourage worksites to apply as early as possible. For more information, contact Erin Ostrowski at
Apply for Worksite Wellness