Everyday walking and moving provides many benefits to residents and their communities. Walkable and moveable communities have a high quality of life, improve personal and environmental health, and promote strong and connected communities and economies.
Every person is a pedestrian at some point in their day, although the role of walking and moving in the daily lives of county residents varies widely.
For some residents, their walk is a short stroll from their parking space to their office building. Others walk one mile or more from their home to school or work. Some use a wheelchair to travel from their home to their bus stop. Others walk to exercise, socialize and experience their neighborhood or park.
Despite the diversity of residents and the purpose of their trips, people share a common desire for a safe, comfortable and convenient experience.
Walking and moving resources
Walkability Assessment Tool
Walking Safely
Join the movement – make Dakota County more walkable
Creating a walking plan
Paths & trails in Dakota County
Indoor walking options