Meet with an accredited counselor — for free!
Counseling services are free for residents of Dakota County. Scheduling priority is given to residents who are experiencing a financial hardship. You can meet with counselors as many times as needed. There is typically a two to four week period between appointments, but this timeline is based on your needs.
Counselors are Accredited Financial Counselors who have met the education and experience requirements of the Association for Financial Counseling & Planning Education (AFCPE). The AFCPE certifies to the highest standards in the field of financial counseling, training and education. Our program is a teaching program. You may meet with an AFC candidate. Candidates are supervised by an AFC and therefore provide a high level of professional service.
Set up an appointment
Request an appointment for new clients
Bring financial documents if you like
You are not required to bring any documentation sessions. However, documents such as pay stubs, account statements, bills and other relevant financial documents can be helpful.
Get your credit report for free
Federal law allows everyone to obtain their credit report free of charge. Counselors will meet with a client, review their current financial goals, and assist them with safely retrieving their credit report. Counselors will work with clients to help them understand the credit report and take action when needed to make improvements.