The Dakota County Plat Commission reviews plats contiguous to county roads to ensure they meet the guidelines of County Ordinance 108 – Contiguous Plats, including the "Factors of Countywide Significance." Proposed plats contiguous to county roads should be sent by the municipality and placed on the next Plat Commission meeting for review. See a Plat Commission Meeting Schedule.
The Plat Commission consists of the County Surveyor and four members of the Physical Development Division that represent transportation planning, land use planning, traffic engineering and land subdivision. The four members are appointed by the Director of Physical Development.
The Plat Commission recommends approval of the plat to the Dakota County Board of Commissioners. The Plat Commission will forward all recommended final plats to the board for approval prior to obtaining building permits from the cities and townships in which the property is located.
Plat requirements
The Plat Commission requires dedication of county right of way for future needs (see Plat Needs Map) and access control along county roads with a quit claim deed (QCD) to Dakota County. See Quit Claim Deed Sample and Quit Claim Deed Blank Form.
Plat Commission process
To have a plat approved by the Plat Commission and the Board of Commissioners, follow these steps outlined in detail by County Ordinance 108.
1. Submit a Concept Plan: A Concept Plan is an informal site layout or drawing. This step is not required, but allows the Plat Commission to offer informal comments, so the sub-divider is aware of County requirements. Concept Plans should be submitted to the Plat Commission at least five working days before the next scheduled Commission meeting.
2. Submit a Preliminary Plat: A Preliminary Plat is sent to the Commission to start the official review. Plat maps must be clearly and legibly drawn at a minimum scale of one inch equals 100 feet and include all of the require information outlined in County Ordinance 108. Preliminary Plats should be submitted to the Plat Commission at least five working days before the next scheduled Commission meeting. If no written comments are prepared by the Plat Commission within five working days of the scheduled meeting, the Plat Commission shall be deemed to have no objection to the Preliminary Plat as reviewed, subject to final approval by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners.
3. Final Plat: A Final Plat is submitted to the Commission at least five working days before the next scheduled meeting. The Commission has five working days after the meeting to prepare comments stating any modifications needed to secure approval. The Final Plat is forwarded to the Board of Commissioners for final approval.