County Project 26-67
Dakota County is working with the City of Eagan to create a safer corridor for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists and make roadway and trail improvements to Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) between Highway 13 and Interstate 35E in Eagan.
The project will resurface and modify the roadway from four and five lanes to three lanes between Pilot Knob Road (County Road 31) and I-35E. This includes one through lane in each direction and a center left-turn lane. The overall width between the curbs will not change. Expanded medians and updated pedestrian ramps will also be constructed.
Improvements based on School Safety Assessment study
This project is using recommendations from the School Safety Assessment study. This study focused on safety issues near the schools.
Short-term needs
- Construct sidewalk or trail and street lighting on north side of Lone Oak Road (County Road 26) between Vince Trail and Pilot Knob Road (County Road 31) — completed fall 2022
- Intersection improvements at Lone Oak Road and Pilot Knob Road
- Install high visibility crosswalks
- Install accessible pedestrian signals
- Update left-turn indications to flashing yellow arrow
- Evaluate school speed zone for potential modifications
Long-term needs
- Construct sidewalk or trail along both sides of Lone Oak Road between Highway 13 and Pilot Knob Road
- Evaluate midblock school crossing on Lone Oak Road between Vince Trail and Woodlark Lane
- Implement lane reduction on Lone Oak Road east of Pilot Knob Road
- Implement Roadway geometric changes west of Pilot Knob Road
- School and District education and updates to Safe Routes to School Plan
Recommended corridor improvements – as of January 2023
Highway 13 to Pilot Knob Road
- Centerline moves about 8 feet to the north within county right-of-way from 200 feet east of Highway 13 to 50 feet east of Pine Ridge Drive.
- Alignment shift reduces impacts to sensitive areas and balances construction impacts to private property
- Typical section from north to south:
- 6-foot shoulder
- 11-foot travel lane
- 11-foot travel lane
- 4-foot shoulder
- 6-foot standard boulevard (variable when needed)
- 10-foot multi-use trail (variable when needed)
- Travel and turn lane improvements, trail improvements and enhanced crossing improvements near Pilot Knob STEM School
- Water main, drainage and storm sewer improvements
Pilot Knob Road to I-35E
- 4-lane to 3-lane conversion east of Pilot Knob Road to Eagandale Boulevard
- Eagandale Boulevard traffic signal replacement
- Pedestrian accommodations
- Turn lane improvements
Draft corridor layouts (January 2023)
Project Layout - Highway 13 to Pilot Knob Road
Project Layout - Pilot Knob Road to Interstate 35E
Review feedback on an interactive map
Community engagement
Open house #3 — Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024
Wednesday, Oct. 2, 4:30–6:30 p.m.
Eagan Community Center
1501 Central Parkway, Eagan, MN 55121
There will not be a formal presentation. Project staff will be available to discuss the final design and construction staging information. The following information will be shared:
- Final design layout
- Tentative construction schedule
- Anticipated construction staging
- Detour routes
- Other construction-related project details
Materials from the open house will be posted after the event.
Open house #2 – Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022
An open house was held Wednesday, Nov. 16, 2022 at the Eagan Community Center. The preferred design for the corridor and other project updates were on display for review. There
was no formal presentation.
Project Layout - Highway 13 to Pilot Knob Road
Project Layout - Pilot Knob Road to Interstate 35E
Open House Display Boards
Open house #1 - June 28, 2022
General Transportation Display Boards
Lone Oak Road Project Display Boards
Frequently Asked Questions
Open House Summary
Goals of the project
Provide efficient and reliable vehicle mobility
- Implement safety improvements where applicable for all modes, including pedestrians, bicyclists, cars, transit and freight
- Provide a comprehensive network for multimodal transportation that is compatible with local and regional needs
- Establish water resources improvements to accommodate complex drainage and water quality treatment needs west of Pilot Knob Road
- Provide infrastructure improvements compatible with the natural and human environment
Tentative project timeline
- 2022-2023: Preliminary and final engineering design, public engagement and right-of-way acquisition
- Summer 2022: Open House #1
- Fall 2022: Open House #2
- Winter/spring 2024: Open House #3
- Fall/winter 2024: Construction begins
Provide input
Sign up for project emails and give feedback
For assistance or more information
Stay up to date throughout the process by visiting this webpage. You can also contact the county's project manager if you have questions:
Hassan Hussein, Project Manager