County Projects 26-60 and 26-28
Dakota County and City of Inver Grove Heights are planning two projects on 70th Street. The projects will improve roadway quality, safety and access for all modes of travel.
The first project will reconstruct 70th Street from Allen Way to County Road 73 (Babcock Trail). The project will:
- Expand the roadway from two lanes to three
- Add storm sewer facilities and multiuse trail
- Manage public and private accesses onto 70th Street
- Make intersection safety improvements
The second project is between Babcock Trail and Cahill Avenue. It will include pavement maintenance and reduce the roadway from five to three lanes. It also includes construction of multiuse trail on the north side of the road. This project will also:
- Consider safety improvements to existing intersections
- Manage public and private accesses onto 70th Street
Both projects will also construct needed city utility extensions. Survey data and traffic counts are being collected in spring and summer 2024 to aid the design process.
The county plans public meetings and other outreach in early fall 2024. These will present both projects and gather community input. Details on these meetings will be shared via mailings to local residents and posted on this webpage.
Tentative project timeline
Summer 2024-winter 2025: Preliminary design and public engagement
Fall 2024: Open house #1
Winter 2025: Open house #2
2025: Final design
Late 2025-2026: Right of way acquisition
2027: Construction
Sign up for project emails and give feedback
Open house #1 – Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024
A public open house was held Tuesday, Oct. 8 at the Veterans Memorial Community Center. The open house shared information on the need for the project, project goals and design concepts.
Open House Display Boards
Open House Presentation
County Road 26 East and West Project Layouts
Online comments will be accepted through Nov. 8, 2024.
Provide feedback on an interactive map
For help or more information
Updates on these projects will post to this webpage. For more information or for specific questions, please contact the county's project manager:
Joe Morneau