Dakota County offers a variety of resources to help businesses and organizations reduce waste, collect recycling and organics, and enhance employee recycling knowledge.
Free labels and educational resources
All businesses in Dakota County can request free recycling, organics and trash container labels posters and Recycle Right handouts with lists of what can be recycled or collected for organics. Labels and handouts are shipped at no cost.
Order labels and other educational resources.
Apply for Business Recycling Program funding
Dakota County offers funding up to $10,000 to eligible businesses and organizations to start or improve waste management practices, including waste prevention, recycling and food waste prevention and organics collection for food donation or composting. Learn more about the
Business Recycling Program. No match is required.
Complete a short questionnaire to see if your business or organization is eligible for funding assistance.
After completing the questionnaire, a county technical assistance consultant will contact you, meet with you at your location to develop a customized plan, and help you complete a funding application for containers, labels, signage and other materials. Training sessions for employees are also available. Applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no fee for this service.
- Funding project examples:
- Recycling and organics containers and equipment
- Waste reduction projects (e.g., reusable serviceware)
- Education materials and employee training
- Organics hauling services and compostable bags (up to six months)
- A county-hired sustainability consultant assists throughout the project, including:
- Funding application and project activity reporting assistance
- Project planning, implementation, coordination and troubleshooting assistance
Learn more
Review the
Business Recycling Program Guidelines or email
Review funding highlights, program participants and success stories with the
2022 Minnesota Waste Wise Annual Report.