Businesses must dispose of hazardous waste according to federal, state and local laws. To determine if your business produces hazardous waste, you should:
1. Gather information about the wastes your business produces.
Talk to purchasing, production and maintenance personnel, tour production and non-production areas and inspect storage areas and dumpsters. Don't forget to include sewered and recycled wastes.
2. Evaluate the wastes
The evaluation process includes seeing if any of the wastes are exempt from the hazardous waste rules, determining if any of the wastes are listed in the hazardous waste rules, and determining if any of the wastes display any of the characteristics of hazardous waste. You may need to have the waste tested.
3. Get a license or register as a generator
If your business generates hazardous waste, you must obtain a hazardous waste license.
4. Dispose of the waste properly
Dakota County requires proper management and disposal of hazardous waste. Businesses that generate smaller amounts of hazardous waste may want to use the Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG) program for proper disposal.
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