We use chemicals to clean our homes, wash our clothes, fix our cars and keep up our lawns. These products can be harmful to our health and pollute our air, land and water if they are not used, stored or disposed of right.
What is hazardous waste?
Hazardous waste is any product that can cause illness or harm to the environment if not disposed of safely. Most products labeled dangerous, flammable, poison, combustible and corrosive are considered hazardous waste.
Common examples include:
Auto products: Antifreeze, auto batteries, gasoline and other fuels, motor oil, degreasers, brake and transmission fluid
Lawn and garden products: Bug killers, weed killers, fertilizers
Household items: Mercury thermometers and thermostats, paint and paint thinner, cleaners, aerosol sprayss, batteries, fluorescent bulbs
Personal care products: Nail polish remover, hairspray, perfumes
How to get rid of hazardous waste
Residents can drop-off hazardous waste at The Recycling Zone in Eagan or use the Recycling Guide to see what businesses accept hazardous products.
Put empty containers in your regular trash. Containers that held chemicals like motor oil or paint cannot be recycled. Learn how to store and use products correctly and even
make your own cleaners.