Waste reduction can help lower your trash disposal costs and save money by not purchasing unneeded items. Work with your school on ways your organization can reduce waste daily — such as a double-sided printing policy or examining products used in the cafeteria.
Resources to help you get started
Surplus supplies and furniture
As long as the items are in usable and working condition, consider the benefits of giving them away or selling them to other organizations. Also consider purchasing used items from these same organizations to save money.
Under Minnesota law, public schools are only allowed to donate to other public entities such as other public schools, a city or a county. Amend your school district policy to ensure all items are first offered to other schools, posted on the Public Surplus website and, as a last option, recycled or thrown away.
Private schools have flexibility to donate to public or private entities such as businesses or the general public. Post on the Minnesota Materials Exchange or contact one of these programs: