Dakota County offers a variety of resources to help schools reduce waste, collect recycling and organics, and enhance student and staff recycling knowledge.
Order free labels, posters and activity guides
Dakota County offers free labels, posters and activity guides to help school staff and students know what materials can be recycled or collected for organics.
Order free labels and resources.
Use our waste education resources
Dakota County offers in-school performances, busing for field trips, standardized messaging and more.
Learn more about waste education.
Apply for a School Waste Prevention and Recycling Grant
Dakota County offers grants for schools to start or increase reuse, recycling, food waste prevention and organics collection. Eligible expenses include containers, reusable serviceware, food share tables and staff stipends. Comprehensive technical assistance is provided.
Find out more about the grant.
For more information, call 952-891-7557 or email