School recycling programs educate future generations about the importance of waste reduction and recycling. Dakota County offers a variety of resources to help schools enhance student and staff recycling knowledge.
Standardized messages
Let your students and employees, including teachers, food service, and cleaning staff and contractors, know what can and cannot be recycled and how to recycle right. Download county education materials.
Performances and field trips
Arrange a free, interactive presentation for students and staff at your school or go off-site on a free tour to waste management facilities. Schedule a performance or field trip.
Presentations and guest speakers
Arrange for a Dakota County staff to come to your school to give a presentation or staff an event booth. Learn more about guest speakers.
School recycling workshop
Dakota County hosts an annual free school recycling workshop designed to assist all schools in improving their waste reduction, recycling and organics programs. View workshop presentations.
Recycling videos and curriculum
Recycling videos and curriculum provide an opportunity to support new initiatives, sustain efforts and integrate environmental stewardship into the culture of your school. See recycling videos and curriculum.
Poster contest
Design a poster on this year's theme for how to recycle right in honor of America Recycles Day in November. Find out more about the poster contest.
Activity kits, displays and handouts
Teachers, school staff and students are encouraged to borrow activity kits, displays and other educational materials from Dakota County at no cost. Reserve resources.
Online waste sort game
Test your recycling knowledge in the free waste sort game. Play the game.