Here are some ways you can find licensed child care provider in your area:
Minnesota Department of Human Services Licensing Information Lookup
The Licensing Information Lookup is a new, simple online search tool created by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. The information available through this website will include the most frequently requested public information maintained by the Licensing Division. You can search for information about a licensed provider by name, license number, program type, county, ZIP code or city.
Parent Aware
Provides individualized referrals reflecting a family’s preferences—location by schools, openings by age , hours and days of care, program information, special services,etc. A referral counselor works with parents to help them decide what they are looking for in a child care program. Lists of providers are tailored to those preferences. The database has information on licensed homes and centers, and is updated at least monthly. To inquire about an individualized referral, call Parent Aware at 1-888-291-9811. Parents and caregivers can also access information on licensed programs at