Dakota County maintains the property records (mortgages, liens, deeds, etc.) for all parcels located within the county. Go to the Minnesota Department of Commerce for
Minnesota Uniform Conveyance Forms regarding property records.
Dakota County does not provide assistance in the completion of legal forms, nor does the county assume any liability for persons who attempt to complete legal documentation on their own.
Abstract vs. Torrens
Minnesota has two land record systems — Abstract and Torrens. When an Abstract property is sold, a title company must do a thorough title search to look for any documents referring to the property.
Torrens properties have a Certificate of Title that gives conclusive proof of ownership — with some exceptions. It consolidates records into a single document.
Most property in Dakota County is Abstract property, but owners may convert property from Abstract to Torrens through land registration.
Recording documents in person
Property Records document service counter is now open to the public.
Transfer on Death Deeds (TODDs) are not accepted at the service centers. They should be either mailed or dropped off at Property Taxation and Records in Hastings.
Recording documents by mail
You can mail the appropriate fees and documents to:
Dakota County Property Taxation & Records
Attn: Document Recording
1590 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Please include a cover letter describing the contents, a self-addressed stamped envelope, and either a toll-free telephone number or a telephone number we can call collect if there are problems.
Military discharge papers available (DD214)
If the military release is yours and it was recorded in Dakota County after your discharge, you may obtain a copy. Federal regulations and data privacy rules require that military separations be available only to the veteran or those with a tangible interest (spouse, family member, etc). The documents are free to residents with tangible interest.
Well Disclosure Certificates
All transfer deeds — including Contracts for Deed — require:
A completed
well disclosure certificate and a $50 fee, OR
One of the following statements that apply must appear on the deed:
- “The Seller certifies that the seller does not know of any wells on the described real property." OR
- “I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and the number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate."
Getting original documents back
All original documents will be mailed back to the submitter of the document in 1–2 weeks.
Removing liens
For almost every type of document that places a lien on real estate, a related recordable document (such as a satisfaction) reverses the original action. These are called releases, satisfactions, terminations or cancellations. The lien and the satisfaction remain as a permanent record on the property. Find blank lien release forms on the
State of Minnesota Commerce Department website.
Find out more about your property
Go to Dakota County's
Property Information Search to find property details, tax statements, valuation notices and property sketches. After entering the site, click OK and enter your parcel ID number or your house number from your address. Click on the map layer icon in the upper right corner to check if your property is Abstract or Torrens.