All fees charged by Dakota County for recording documents are specifically mandated by the state. See Minnesota Statute 357.18.
Fees must be paid at the time of filing.
Payment options
Payment accepted via cash, check or credit card.
Make checks payable to: Dakota County Property Taxation & Records.
To use a credit card for copy requests, fee must exceed $20. For credit card use, there is a 2.49% service charge for document recordings, but none for copy requests.
Abstract Document or Torrens Memorial: $46
Additional Torrens Memorial: $20 per each additional certificate
Torrens Apply Document fee: $20
Plats and Registered Land Surveys:
- Abstract - $56
- Torrens - $56
Conservation fee: $5
Minnesota Conservation Fee collected on each instrument where state deed or mortgage registration tax has been paid.
Exchange Certificate of Title
- $20 for each certificate canceled
- $20 for each new certificate issued.
Residue or Additional Certificate
- $40 for each residue certificate issued
- $40 for each additional certificate issued
Transfer of Fee Ownership Certificate of Title
- $46 for the first certificate canceled and issued
- $40 for each additional certificate issued
Well Disclosure Certificate: $50
Extra Copies Submitted at the time of Filing: $2
Mortgage Registration Tax: Mortgage amount multiplied by .0023
Deed Tax: Purchase price multiplied by .0033. Minimum due is $1.65 for deeds under $3,000