Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP) is buying goods with reduced environment and health impact when compared to similar products . Features of these goods include energy efficiency, use of recycled materials and reduced toxicity.
Minnesota state law requires state agencies and public entities to purchase recycled, repairable, durable goods to reduce the amount and toxicity of waste in Minnesota.
There are many tools available to guide these practices, procedures, and services.
Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool
Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) is a tool designed to help purchasers evaluate, compare and select computers and monitors. Using EPEAT recognizes and promotes manufacturer efforts to reduce the environmental impact of electronics.
Green Meeting Resources
Green meetings are one way to promote environmentally friendly practices. Planning and having green meetings means reducing the amount of waste produced in meetings.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a One-Stop Information Source for Green Meetings.
Minnesota Great Printers
Minnesota Great Printers are printing companies that have voluntarily committed to reduce waste, and reuse or recycle waste that cannot be eliminated, and maximize energy efficiency of their printing processes. These companies are committed to provide continuous environmental health and safety improvements in their workplace.