Dakota County uses Barracuda to secure emails. This software allows Dakota County staff to initiate encrypted email conversations with non-county recipients. We can share sensitive information in a secure format, only accessible to the person for who it is intended.
To ensure security of your data, opening an encrypted email requires a few additional steps for the recipient.
Receiving an encrypted message from Dakota County
If you are the recipient of an encrypted email you will receive an email from noreply@barracuda.com with the subject “You have a new encrypted message from user@co.dakota.mn.us."
Step 1: Click on the link in your email notification
Step 2: A browser window will open the Barracuda Message Center. You will be asked to either create a password or enter an existing password. This password will expire every 90 days.

If you forget your password, use the self-service Reset or Change Password option on the login screen. You will be prompted to enter your email address, and you will receive an email with a link to update your message center password.

Step 3: Once you are logged into the message portal, you can view the email and reply to the original sender or delete the message.

Step 4: To add an attachment to a reply message:
- Click Choose File and locate the file from your computer
- Click Add to upload the file to the message
- Click Send when you're finished composing your message.
Repeat steps A & B for each attachment.

Step 5: To securely close the message portal, click Log Off in the upper right corner of your screen.

- Only the original email recipients will be able to open the encrypted email.
- Secure messages expire after 30 days.