Submitting an application
All applications must be submitted online by the posting deadline. You must register for an account with GovernmentJobs before submitting your application.
Register for a GovernmentJobs account now.
If you need to make changes after you have submitted your application, you may submit a new application after a 24-hour waiting period. Only the most recent application received before the deadline will be considered.
Misrepresentation or falsification of information or omissions may result in the rejection of an application or discipline up to and including dismissal from employment if discovered at a later date. Falsification or omission may also result in applications not being accepted for future opportunities.
Scoring an application
Scoring of applications for candidates who meet the minimum qualifications consists of rating the training and experience presented in the application/resume submitted. Be sure to thoroughly list all training and experience you possess. Failure to do so may adversely affect your final score.
Top candidates who meet the minimum qualifications and the specific needs of the vacancy are referred to the hiring supervisor for consideration. Applications are scored on a 100-point scale and listed in rank-order on the eligibility list based on the score they receive.
If you require special accommodations to participate in the hiring process, contact Human Resources at
All application materials (including Veterans' Preference documentation) must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. on the posted close date. Dakota County is not responsible for failure of other agencies, Internet service providers that may impact your application by the deadline.
Job interviews
The top scoring applications are referred to the hiring supervisor for consideration. Hiring supervisors will review and consider the application materials of all candidates forwarded to them. Candidates selected to be a part of the interviews will be contacted by the hiring department.
Being referred to the hiring supervisor does not guarantee an interview or job offer. Hiring supervisors are not required to interview all candidates whose information they receive.
Whether an applicant is considered or hired depends on many things including, but not limited to:
- The number of positions available
- Work preferences, such as location and hours
- Past experience and training
Job opening status
The interview and selection process typically takes 4-6 weeks from the time candidates are referred until the offer is extended.
To view the status of a job posting you applied to, log into your
GovernmentJobs account. The submitted applications and their current status are listed there.
Applicant notification
After the posting closes, Human Resources will notify applicants via email after the job posting closes letting the applicant know if they have met the minimum qualifications and, if so, what their rating results are.
Once a position is filled, applicants who were forwarded to the hiring department will receive a position filled notification.
If an applicant is selected for an interview, notification will come from the hiring department by email or phone call.
General information
Offers of employment are made by the hiring supervisor or an Human Resources representative. All offer letters are sent to candidates via email. Pre-employment screening, such as backgrounds, drug tests and physicals, are coordinated by Human Resources staff and must be completed prior to the start date.
Dakota County is an E-Verified employer. A candidate’s eligibility to work in the United States will be verified by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services upon starting. Get more information on