The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) is a federal law that seeks to eliminate sexual assaults and sexual misconduct in correctional settings. The Dakota County Jail is committed to providing a safe environment for staff and inmates. Sexual activity of any kind is not allowed in the Dakota County Jail.
The Dakota County Jail has zero tolerance for sexual assault, abuse or sexual activity of any kind involving inmates.
- Inmates who have consensual sexual contact with another inmate will be disciplined.
- Inmates who have non-consensual sexual contact with another inmate, county staff, contract staff, volunteers, or vendors working for the county will be disciplined and referred for criminal prosecution.
- County staff, contract staff, volunteers and vendors who are found to have engaged in sexual contact or sexual misconduct with inmates will be disciplined and referred for criminal prosecution.
Inmate reporting options
- In person
- Written communication
- Grievance system, via the electronic kiosks located in the housing units
- Outside national, state, or local victim advocacy or crisis organizations using the toll-free numbers provided
Dakota County staff will investigate or refer for investigation allegations of sexual abuse from county staff, contract staff, volunteers, vendors or other inmates even if the reported abuse did not occur at our facility.
If you know of a situation of sexual assault or abuse within our facility, you can report it by submitting a tip on the Report a Crime Tip web form or leave a message for one of our PREA staff by calling 651-438-4800.
Third-party reporters may include other inmates, members of staff, family members, lawyers, contract employees, service providers, or community or religious volunteers. Third-party reporters may leave information without disclosing his or her name or the name of the alleged victim or abuser. In order to effectively investigate allegations we will require information such as the date, time and location of the incident, and the names or descriptions of any parties involved in the incident. While this information is helpful, it is not required to submit a report.
We cannot conduct an investigation if the information is not reported to us or if we don't have enough information.
The Dakota County Jail has zero tolerance for all forms of retaliation against any person because of their involvement in the reporting or investigation of a PREA claim.
Victim information
Resources for victims are available on the Crime Victim & Witness Support website.