The Dakota County Jail offers inmate programs that helps prepare inmates for life after release.
Inmates Motivated to Change
Inmates Motivated to Change allows inmates the opportunity to participate in programming above and beyond the programs available to the entire jail. Inmates must apply and be accepted based on appropriate jail behavior, expectations and a commitment to making changes in their lives.
Once accepted, inmates are offered programs in:
- Life skills
- Cognitive thinking skills
- Resourced and released
- Personal and professional etiquette
Weekly unit meetings discuss successes as well as failures in an effort to foster a community environment within the jail.
Outreach Program
The program helps inmates prepare for transition back into their communities. The program’s goal is to reduce recidivism and the criminogenic risk factors of the inmates in the Dakota County Jail. This is done by providing inmates resources that they can use upon release.
Some of these resources include housing, employment assistance, financial aid and help with child support.
Community Speakers
Representatives from a variety of government departments, non-profits and for-profit organizations visit the jail on a monthly or bi-monthly basis to present about their services. The speakers facilitate discussion groups, promote their programs and provide information to help inmates prepare for re-entry.
Community speakers share a passion to help inmates in need and provide information about resources so inmates have a smoother transition out of the jail and back into their communities.
Resource Fair
The Resource Fair was designed to help inmates gain access to transitional opportunities before they are released. This ensures they have the tools necessary to become stable and self-sufficient upon release.
At the fair, inmates have the opportunity to engage with various providers that offer services for individuals with criminal records. Organizations invited to participate in this event range from universities, social service organizations, employment services, housing services, recreational services, and a variety of other community resources.
Motivational Conference
An annual event that inspires and empowers inmates to make different choices and stay out of jail in the future. The event consists of inspirational speakers, an ex-offender panel and breakout sessions.
Guest Speakers
Guest speakers visit the jail and talk about perseverance and overcoming the odds. These speakers share their stories with inmates in hopes to inspire motivation to change.
Re-Entry Assistance Program
The Re-Entry Assistance Program (RAP) helps inmates with histories of multiple jail stays minimize the number of times they return to jail. The program provides transitional and supportive services that assist sentenced inmates exiting the Dakota County Jail with re-entry into the community.
Community Corrections reviews the requests from jail inmates seeking help and conducts interviews to determine eligibility and identifies needs for inmates selected for the program.
After an inmate is accepted, Community Corrections identifies and coordinates service needs, options and develops a re-entry case plan.