Privately owned signs are prohibited on county property, including county right of ways. Signs placed in county right of ways are a violation of this county policy, as well as
Minnesota Statute 160.27, subd. 5, and will be removed by Dakota County without notice. For information about county right of way, call 952-891-7115.
If you wish to get a removed sign back, go to the Empire Transportation Facility. Signs removed by county staff will be stored there for at least 10 days.
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Official sign placement policy
The placement of privately owned signs on county property is prohibited. Signs placed on county property in violation of this policy may be removed by Dakota County without notice.
Dakota County limits the use of its property to county purposes and, where appropriate, to other governmental units or entities. Placement of privately owned signs on county property is prohibited. Signs may not be staked into the ground or affixed to any improvement, such as, by way of example, buildings, light poles, traffic control devices, gates, or fences. The prohibition applies to commercial enterprises, non-profit organizations, political organizations and committees, religious organizations and all other private persons or organizations.
If privately owned signs are placed on county property, county staff is authorized to remove them. Signs removed by county staff will be stored temporarily at the Empire Transportation Garage for at least 10 days, after which they will be disposed of. Persons who desire to retrieve signs that have been removed may pick them up at the Empire Transportation Garage weekdays from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.