Call Community Living Services for eligibility
There are a number of funding options available to assist with paying for supports and services for seniors and people with disabilities. The worker who completes your assessment will assess your needs, determine what you are eligible for and direct you to the appropriate funding source. There is no charge for this help - start by calling Community Living Services Intake at 651-554-6336.
Program options
Consumer/Self-Directed Supports: These supports help residents create personalized plans that meet their unique circumstances and allows them to take responsibility for their services. They are much more flexible than other funding sources. There are supports available for all ages. For more information, call 651-554-6000 and ask for a Team C worker or email
Medical Assistance: A federal program that pays for medical care and some support services for low income families and individuals 18 years or older.
Tax Equity and Financial Responsibility Act (TEFRA): A program that provides medical assistance for children with qualifying disabilities who live with their families and do not qualify for medical assistance because the family's income is too high. There is a parental fee based on family income and family size.
MA Waiver Programs: Must be on Medical Assistance or TEFRA and have a certified disability to be considered. Eligibility for these programs is determined by Dakota County Public Health and Social Services staff. Programs include:
- Alternative Care (AC) Program
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver
- Community Alternatives for Disabled individuals (CADI) Waiver
- Developmental Disabilities (DD) Waiver
- Elderly Waiver (EW)
- Minnesota Senior Health Options (MSHO)
- Brain Injury (BI) Waiver
Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Cash benefits payable to those who are disabled, blind or age 65 or order with limited income. Distributed by the Social Security Administration, these benefits are not based on prior work or a family member's prior work.
Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI): Benefits paid to disabled children through Social Security after their parents have died. Children must be disabled before the age of 22 and parents must have worked long enough to receive Social Security.
Group Residential Housing (GRH): Funding for room and board in assisted living sites licensed under GRH licensing rules.