Consumer Directed Community Support (CDCS) is a service option available to children, adults, and seniors. CDCS gives a person flexibility in service planning and responsibility for self-directing his or her services, including hiring and managing support workers. CDCS may include traditional services and goods, and self-designed services.
Eligibility requirements
Consumer Directed Community Support is a service option available to people who already receive services through, or are eligible, for one of the following home and community-based services (HCBS) programs:
- Alternative Care (AC) program
- Brain Injury (BI) Waiver
- Community Alternative Care (CAC) Waiver
- Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver
- Development Disabilities (DD) Waiver
- Elderly Waiver (EW)
Participants must also:
- Be able to direct and purchase their own care and supports or have a designated managing party to purchase, arrange and coordinate care on their behalf.
- Qualify for Medical Assistance or MA-TEFRA to fund the plan. Some formal waivered services will be billed to the formal waiver and paid by Medical Assistance.
- Live in a natural home setting and cannot receives services in a licensed or registered setting such as licensed residential services, foster care, and housing-with-services registered by the Minnesota Department of Health.
A person is NOT eligible for the program in any of the following scenarios:
- The person is on the Minnesota Restricted Recipient Program. The person is not allowed to use Consumer Directed Consumer Support while in this program. Search the
U.S. Office of Inspector General Exclusions Database to verify eligibility.
- Exits the waiver or Alternative Care program more than once during the service plan year.
Online orientation
The Department of Human Services designed online learning for people who receive services and interested families. The course is intended to help people on waivers or Alternative Care (AC) understand this service option and decide whether CDCS is right for them.
Prior to starting the program, a participant or managing party must complete orientation.
Register for online orientation
You can also leave a voice mail at 651-554-6485. Please leave the following information in your voice mail:- Program interested in (CSG – non-waiver or CDCS - waiver)
- Your first and last name
- Phone number
- Email address
- Name of person eligible for the program
- Birthdate of eligible participant
- Case manager's name
How the amount of support is determined
For the Community Alternative Care, Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals, Traumatic Brain Injury, Elder Waiver or Alternative Care waiver, the amount of support is based on the most recent long-term care consultation or reassessment. For Developmental Disability, the budget is based on the most recent full team screening.
Developing a plan
The Consumer Directed Community Support (CDCS) participant/managing party is responsible to:
- Select a
financial management services (FMS) provider
- Develop their CDCS Community Support Plan
- Select their support workers and service providers
- Submit the completed CDCS Community Support Plan to the county
If the participant/managing party needs help in writing the support plan, they can choose to:
- Spend some of their CDCS budget to hire a certified support planner who can help them write the plan
- Receive guidance from their county case manager
What funds can be used for
For goods and services to be approved on Consumer Directed Community Support (CDCS), they must:
- Be for the direct benefit of the person
- Be included in the person’s CDCS Community Support Plan
- Be necessary to meet one of the person’s assessed needs
- Be related to the person’s disability and/or condition (Brain Injury, Community Alternative Care, Community Access for Disability Inclusion, and Development Disabilities only)
General Information
Client Policy (DAK-7214)
Consumer Directed Community Support Expenditure Guide
Support Planner Directory
Planning and Budget Forms
CDCS Community Support Plan (DHS-6532)
Release of Information Consent - Team C (DAK 7582.09)
Consumer Directed Community Supports Alternative Treatment Form for MHCP-Enrolled Physicians (DHS 5788)
Parent Pay Addendum (DAK 7231)
Shared Services Agreement (DHS 6633D)
CDS Alternate Billing Form (DAK-7142)
CDS Plan Change Request Form (DAK 7112)
CDS Staff Mileage and Activity Reimbursement (DAK7113)
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