The community health workers team helps individuals and families with health resources. They can provide you with:
- Food resources
- Dental and health appointments
- Rent, utilities and housing information
If you're interested in working with a community health worker, please contact us at 651-554-6100.
Community health workers
These team members can help you and your community with health education, social support and advocacy.
Fatuma Adam
Fatuma Adam
Fatuma can help with:
- Infectious disease monitoring and management
- Screening and referral for diagnostics and treatment (ex: TB, STD/STI)
- Immunization and vaccine education
- Refugee health screening
- Direct observation therapy
- Public health and county resources (food, health appointments, housing and insurance)
Fatuma speaks English, Somali, Swahili, Garri, Oromo and Borana.
Marcela Guerra
Marcela Guerra
Marcela can help with:
- Home visits
- Child and teen checkups
- Car seats
- Public health and county resources (food, health appointments, housing and insurance)
Marcela speaks English and Spanish.
Karina Lopez Martinez
Karina Lopez Martinez
Karina can help with:
- Home visits
- Child and teen checkups
- Car seats
- Public health and county resources (food, health appointments, housing and insurance)
Karina speaks English and Spanish.
Mahry Torres-Castillo
Mahry Torres-Castillo
Mahry can help with:
- Child and teen checkups
- Car seats
- Birth to Eight program
- Public health and county resources (food, health appointments, housing and insurance)
Mahry speaks English and Spanish.
Marguedy Worden
Marguedy Worden
Marguedy can help with:
- Child and teen checkups
- Car seats
- Public health and county resources (food, health appointments, housing and insurance)
Marguedy speaks English and Spanish.
Recent news and events
MinnesotaCare available to people with and without legal status
MinnesotaCare offers free or lower cost health insurance to people without other health insurance options who live in Minnesota. Immigration status does not matter.
2024 Regions Hospital car seat clinic schedule
In partnership with local fire departments, Regions Hospital is offering
car seat and booster seat safety clinics.
Free at-home COVID-19 tests
Free COVID-19 tests are still available to communities. You can order four free tests from The website is available in English and Spanish.
Driver's Licenses for All
The Driver's Licenses for All program removes the need to show proof of legal presence in the United States to get a standard Minnesota class D driver's license, instruction permit or standard identification (ID) card.
Minnesota's cannabis law: What non-U.S. citizens need to know
The Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota created a YouTube presentation that talks about the new cannabis law, what it means for non-U.S. citizens, what you should do if you have a previous marijuana conviction, and what it means for your immigration case.
Community Health Workers use many different resources to help individuals and families. The Community Health Worker Resource List (Spanish, Somali) has frequently recommended resources for dental, food, health, housing, clothing, immigration, parenting and pregnancy.
The Community Resource Guide (Spanish, Somali) includes hundreds of county and community services, ranging from crisis, to education, to mental and behavioral health resources.
We will add additional resources to this section as they're created.
Learn more
If you're interested in learning more about our community health workers or about Dakota County Public Health, contact
Lia Roberts.