Many Americans are one economic trauma away from facing a financial crisis like eviction, utility disconnect and foreclosure. If economic trauma such as sudden loss in income, illness, and volatile shifts in the financial markets are affecting your well-being, these resources are here to help.
Financial Assistance
In addition to
Dakota and
Scott counties, the following nonprofits offer financial and food assistance:
Food Supports
Stretching Your Food Dollar
- WIC (Women, Infants & Children): WIC provides nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
- Fare for All: Low-cost food purchasing programs open to everyone.
- Minnesota Grown: Find the location and details of farmers' markets in your area. Some markets accept EBT.
Housing Supports
There are many ways to prevent mortgage foreclosure and evictions. These sites offer resources, counseling and programs to assist you:
Dakota County and
Scott County Community Development Agencies: Free counseling assistance to help homeowners who are in or nearing foreclosure.
Utility Supports
- CAP Agency: This Agency’s Energy Assistance Program helps eligible households maintain affordable, continuous and safe home energy. Their services include bill payment assistance, home energy crisis intervention, outreach, energy advocacy, information about utility consumer rights, and referrals.
- Energy CENTS Coalition: Promotes affordable utility service for low and fixed income people, to ensure the basic necessity of energy to all citizens, and to encourage the participation of low and fixed income citizens in energy issues and energy related decision-making.
- Public Utilities Commission: This agency’s Consumer Affairs Office helps resolve disputes between customers and utility companies.
- Checklist to Avoid Utility Disconnection: If you are behind in your bills, these steps may help you avoid disconnection.