Paying for college
Safe and reliable resources to help you finance your education.
- Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID): Create a account to gain access to Federal Student Aid’s online systems. It can also serve as your legal signature. Your FSA ID give you access to your own personal information on Department of Education websites such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- Federal Student Aid (FAFSA): Get help paying for college by submitting a free application for FAFSA.
- CAREERwise Education: This Minnesota State College & Universities career and education resource provides information to help you prepare, pay, and apply for college.
- Minnesota College Savings Plan: Offers tax-deferred savings plans for education. Includes a calculator to help find out how much you’ll need to put away.
- Tuition Reimbursement: Before borrowing any money for education check with your employer to see if they offer tuition reimbursement.
Shop wisely
Education is an investment. Choosing a quality school is an important step towards insuring your investment provides you with a healthy return on your investment.
- Responsible Borrowing video: A YouTube video from the Office of Federal Student Aid to learn about your responsibilities as a borrower and what you should consider when taking out loans for college.
- For Profit Colleges: Do Your Homework: This publication from the Office of the Minnesota Attorney General has valuable information if you or your child are considering enrollment in a for-profit college which will help you be sure that you get the best value for your money and avoid problems.
Student loan repayment
If you have concerns about student loan balances, these resources will help you during your repayment period.
- U.S. Department of Education: Information about loan repayment, forgiveness programs, consolidation, and defaulted loans.
- Dakota County Counseling: Free Financial Counseling with Accredited Financial Counselors® Counselors can assist residents with exploring options and creating a repayment plan. Call 651-554-5763 to learn more or to schedule an appointment.
- Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota: Services for those having trouble paying student loans whether they are in school right now, in repayment status or helping a borrower. There is a $75 fee for this services.