Dakota County, in cooperation with the City of Eagan, will be conducting a corridor study along CSAH 28 (Yankee Doodle Road), between Denmark Avenue and State Highway 149.
Study recommendations
Recommendations were approved by the Board of Commissioners at the Aug. 28, 2007 board meeting.
West Segment
Middle Segment
East Segment
Study overview
Continued traffic growth and development is occurring along the corridor. The County and the City recognize the need to determine a highway and access plan to allow efficient flow of traffic while defining appropriate access locations and assessing supporting city streets. The study will analyze existing traffic operations, evaluate several design alternatives, and develop preliminary plans for the selected alternative.
CSAH 28 Corridor Study
Information regarding project construction and times are in the County's Capital Improvement Plan.
In addition to upcoming public meetings, persons interested in getting more information or providing comments can contact Kristi Sebastian, Dakota County Traffic Engineer, at 952-891-7178 or kristi.sebastian@co.dakota.mn.us.